Tom Fetherston
BRUVs Coordinator
Tom “Fether” Fetherston, a former biologist for the Navy, was primarily focused on research
addressing the issues surrounding marine mammals and sonar. A career Navy officer, he
deployed to the Middle East, Mediterranean, Northern Europe and the Caribbean before settling
in RI and transferring to the Navy Reserve, ultimately supporting the Office of Naval Research
Marine Mammal Program, retiring with the rank of Captain (O-6). On the civilian side, Fether
was a Senior Scientist for the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) in Newport RI,
responsible for developing and managing research contracts as well as participating in field
experiments evaluating the acute and chronic effects of acoustic stress on marine mammal
populations. Fether was also involved in efforts to reduce ship strikes on large whales,
representing the Navy on NOAA’s Northeast Right Whale Recovery Team, serving as Vice
Chair then Chair 1999 – 2005.
Since retiring from NUWC in 2021, Fether enjoys keeping his hand in the marine biology world
as a First Responder for the Mystic Aquarium Animal Rescue Team and with ASI, where
shifting attention to an entirely new class of marine mega-fauna has been fun! A lifelong
recreational angler and former Pt. Judith charter boat mate, Fether has spent many years fishing
off Block Island so knows the area well.
Fether has a Bachelor’s in Zoology from Duke University and a Master of Marine Affairs
specializing in fisheries management from the University of Rhode Island.