Lisa Natanson
Research Advisory Board
Lisa was a Senior Research Fisheries Scientist with the Apex Predators Program at the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in Narragansett, RI. Lisa started her research on sharks in California in 1982. In 1984 she relocated to the East Coast and became part of the team researching life history of Atlantic sharks at NMFS. Lisa’s research focuses on age and growth and reproduction of sharks. She is also actively involved in the collection of data for food habits research and in tagging sharks with both conventional and satellite tags.
Much of Lisa’s time is spent in the field collecting biological samples at recreational shark tournaments or engaged in research on commercial, recreational and research vessels. Lisa’s expertise is recognized internationally and she has been asked to aid in research in New Zealand and Canada. Additionally she and her research have been featured in several films including National Geographic, Discovery Canada, and Swords Life on the line. Lisa has a bachelor’s degree from Occidental College, a master’s degree from the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories through San Jose State University and a PhD from the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography.